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Mr. McNamara Yearbook Dedication

By Joh Oh

We dedicate the 58th volume of the Musket Yearbook to the most school spirited teacher: Mr. William McNamara. Mr. Mac is always involved in our school events and supporting our community, cheering on our students and encouraging them outside of the classroom. He also greets students with a smile in the hallway. He has helped so many of his students and cares for each of them. Not only has he helped his students, he also makes sure that every class he teaches is interesting. It is impossible to be bored in Mr. Mac’s classroom. He also provides helpful advice to his students, enlightening them with his inspiring and interesting stories. He never fails to share his stories about his family, who he values, with us. Thank you to Mr. William McNamara for all that you do for us! You truly embody all the best qualities of a Patriot.

~Great Valley 2020 Yearbook

Despite the pall the pandemic has cast on the school, one source of positivity can be found in Great Valley’s latest edition of the Musket, which is dedicated to social studies teacher Mr. William McNamara this year. 

“We chose Mr. Mac because we feel he embodies all the best qualities of a true Great Valley Patriot,” said senior editors-in-chief Tara Razavian and Casey Capetola. “He is always supporting his students and helping them grow. He is also always at all the school events and very spirited!”

In all his classes, Mr. Mac encourages his students to attend school events and show support for Great Valley athletes. Additionally, he always asks the student-athletes in his class what he or she is up to and who they are competing against that week. 

Unfortunately, because of quarantine, the yearbook’s dedication could not be shown to Mr. Mac in-school. The yearbook staff and their advisor, Mrs. Megan Druckenmiller, decided to organize a drive-by at Mr. Mac’s house. Equipped with face masks and staying true to the CDC guidelines, Razavian and Capetola, along with junior Gabe Stahl, drove to Mr. Mac’s home to give him his dedication in-person. 

This yearbook dedication is a “thank you” to Mr. Mac for all that he does for his students! His helpful advice and entertaining and enlightening stories never fail to inspire his students. 

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